Friday, October 4, 2013

Chairs Redone Too!

To go with my new table, I wanted to redo the four chairs I already had. I had found these chairs years ago at a thrift store. They were $30 for all four chairs. My sister bought them for me for my birthday.

I didn't dislike the old seat covers. The blue and white farm print was right up my alley. However, I wanted to spruce them up. I repainted them when I was doing the other chairs and the table legs.

Then I used some of the polka dot fabric I had on hand and that I just love. I also had some laminating material to make them waterproof.
I bought the laminating sheeting at Joann's.

It was really easy to iron it onto the fabric.

Here is the fabric after the sheeting is on.
I did four different colors for extra fun.





Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Table Redone

I have been wanting a round table for several years now. I have had my eye out at flea markets and garage sales; never quite finding what I wanted. My mom even gave me some money and a gift card to Ikea for Christmas last year, but I hadn't gotten around to purchasing the table I thought I wanted. I must have mentioned something to my next door neighbor at one point because when she bought a new table, she offered me her old round one. I asked if it was okay if I painted it and she said I could do whatever I wanted with it; they were all finished!

The round table before I painted it.
My old tile top table.

A couple of months ago, she and her husband brought it over and it sat on the patio or in the garage for the summer.

Nothing was wrong with my old table. It was a small rectangular, tile-top table. I thought a round would go better in the space I have, and it was a table I had from when I was married. Truthfully, I just didn't want it anymore. 

One of the chairs my sister acquired!
Meanwhile, my sister found some chairs in someone's trash. (Please note: she is not usually a dumpster diver, but these were nice chairs and she couldn't just leave them there.) They happened to match my old table perfectly. She offered them to me and I never turn down free, so I took them.

A couple of weeks after acquiring a whole set of chairs (that I didn't really need) that were nice and went perfectly with the table (that I didn't really want) that was also nice, I was talking to one of my housecleaning clients. She said they were purchasing a house for their daughter to live in at college and were going to go thrifting for furniture. I told her about my old table and the new to me chairs and said their daughter could have them. They came in mid-July and picked them up and then I had a big empty space in my house for the next several months.
This is what my housecleaning client's daughter did with my old table. She did awesome too; I think!


For fun I posted on Facebook about my round table and the desire to paint it. I had originally thought I would paint just white on the whole thing, but since I had this table that I could do whatever I wanted with, maybe I should get creative! People threw out some suggestions and then a small debate ensued between one of my cousins who said wood, especially oak, should never be painted, and an interior designer/furniture refinisher friend of mine, who most certainly thought that it should be painted. Leaving it as is was never what I wanted and I certainly didn't mean to cause a discussion! It was amusing to watch the comments fly back and forth! Who knew people could get so passionate about painting a table??

The table repainted.

I settled on this awesome aqua/turquoise color that I found at True Value. It is officially called Big Easy. I painted the legs and the two chairs, my neighbors also gave me, white with basic white spray paint. 

One of the two chairs that went with the table. 

Also painted white.

They gave me the two leaves, so I can make the table bigger when we need.

It turned out exactly like I wanted and really does fit much better in the space than the rectangular table!